About Pillsbury
We are: a safe, challenging, nurturing learning community striving to meet the individual needs of students and families.
We will: educate, motivate and provide opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge through quality instruction and leadership.
So all are engaged and successful in their ongoing education, life-long learners and productive, respectful, global citizens.
Our Values
Perseverance: I keep going, even when it is hard. I ever give up.
Responsibility: I make thoughtful choices. I am accountable for my actions. I am dependable.
Integrity: I do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Discovery: I am curious about my world.
Empowerment: I am ready to lead my future.
2250 Garfield St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Grades: Pre-K-5
Principal Jessica Skorownek
Hours: 8:05 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.
Located in the Windom Park Neighborhood of Northeast Minneapolis, Pillsbury Community School serves a diverse school community where staff encourage creativity, imagination, and problem-solving through our values of perseverance, responsibility, integrity, discovery, and empowerment.
Learners come together to tackle challenging coursework focused on reading and math that prepares each of them to lead their future. Pillsbury educates, motivates, and provides opportunities for learners to develop practical skills and acquire real-world knowledge through quality instruction and leadership.
At a Glance
- Early Childhood: High-5; Full-day programming
- Kindergarten-5th Grade
- City-wide Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Special Education Programming
- School-Based (SB) Special Education Programming
- 4th/5th Grade: Pedal Power and Minne-Loppet
- Specialized musical opportunities for 5th graders
- Disney Musicals in the Schools Partnership
- Student Council
- Teacher-Led Telescope Math
- GISE/GEMS After School Programming
- Playworks Partnership